Dr. Duncan Higgins at XBOW is renowned for his expertise and results in orthodontics. Through documented treatments, Dr. Higgins’ cases offer a profound insight into the effectiveness and transformation his skills bring to his patients. Each case narrated here exemplifies his practice’s tailored approach and sophisticated techniques.
Dr. Higgins’ Cases
Dr. Duncan Higgins treated the following patients:
*All images are the property of Dr. Duncan W. Higgins and cannot be copied or reproduced without the consent of Dr. Higgins.
Dr. Herb Hughes Cases
Dr. Herb Hughes treated the following patients:
*All images are the property of Dr. Herb Hughes and cannot be copied or reproduced without the consent of Dr. Herb Hughes.
- Dr. Herb Hughes Xbow Patient
- Before and After Images of a 10-Year follow-up patient.
- Dr. Herb Hughes New Xbow Patient
- Dr. Steven Hearne, Dr. Herb Hughes, Dr. Anthony Mair, & Dr. Bob Miller Cases
Dr. Bob Miller gave a great lecture on Xbow at the 2019 AAO meeting. The following is one of the cases he presented.